2025.02.13. - FeHoVa Winter Dogshows 2025
I entered Our princess, Elza (HJCh. Triumphator Uzziel) to all five shows on FeHoVa Winter Show Weekend, but after the long break I think she need a little rest,
finally she started on only three shows. Elza got beautiful titles
honourable specialist and sighthound breeder judges! I am so thankful
for the kind words and for
their patience! Thank you also for the photographers for they work and
nice photos: Szalánczi Gábor, Koppány Zsófia, Horváth Balázs and Dejan
I am also thankful to Ilyés Zoltán for his work with my Elza!
The first show was on thursday, the first day of CACIB Shows; the
honourable judge was Mr. Novák Dániel (Hungarian Diamonds Whippet
Elza got Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, Best Opposite Sex / intermediate class
The second show was on friday, it was the 1st Agár Winter Winner Show,
where the honourable judge was Dr. Gólián-Béres Ágnes (Petrodvorec
Borzoi kennel)
Elza got Excellent 1, CAC, Winter Winner 2025 and Best Opposite Sex / intermediate class
The third and also the last show for us was the last of the weekend's
CACIB Show on sunday. The honourable judge was Mrs. Juhász Csilla (Glor
Na Gael Irish Wolfhound Kennel), Elza got Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB and
finally Best Opposite Sex titles in intermediate class.
Elza finished the Hungarian Champion at 23 months old age.

More photos at here...
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2025.02.01. - Agár Klub - Sighthound Club Annual Dinner
I entered only Lana to junior category, what she won and she is
... and finally she got:
(as the most winning Barzoj- and 2nd best sighthound of Hungary in 2024).
Sooo I am really proud of my little girl!!

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2025.01.21. - New photos
Winter photos about Lana, Elza, Panna and Yarkaya.

More photos at here...
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2024.12.20. - Nitra "Christmas Cup" CACIB
HPGW. HJCh. SkJCh. Triumphator Uraios Uriron “Lana” started on only
one day at Nitra Christmas Cup weekend, where she started her adult
show career
with style, and she won CAC, CACIB and finally Best Of Breed out of 21
Barzojs. Lana is 20 months old. Thank you for the honourable judge Mr.
Kotlár Róbert
for this lovely titles for my beloved Lana! Thank you for the photos Koppány Zsófia (Pet On Pictures) and Bounty!

More photos at here...
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2024.10.20. - New photos
I taken some new photos about Our youngsters, you can see these in Gallery.

More photos at here...
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2024.10.08. - Champion certificates has arrived
Two from our three youngsters finished they Hungarian Junior Champion titles in this year, the diplomas has arrived.
- Now the offical full name:
- HJCh. Triumphator Uzziel and HJCh. Triumphator Uraios Uriron
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2024.09.30. - Komárom CACIB-Derby Show
What a unforgetteble day was at Komárom. We went only one day, that show was CACIB-Derby Show where Lana amazing success. It was Lana's last dogshow
in Hungary in 2024. HJCh. SkJCh. Triumphator Uraios Uriron “Lana” got Excllent 1st, CAC, CACIB, Derby Winner, Best Derby, BOB (11 Barzois was entered)
and finally she won 🏆 Best Of Group 🏆!
Thank you very much to the honourable judges Mrs. Katalin Kiss and Mr. László Erdős!
Thank You for the first photos to Szalánczi Gábor!

More photos at here...
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2024.08.31.-09.01. - Gárdony (H) Agár Klub Clubshow & Speciality
I always enjoy the shows at Gárdony, In this year first time we stay to see the beautiful programs.
...So I entered Our 💕Lana💕 to these shows, where she finished
her junior- and started her adult career with beautiful titles and
judgements. I am so proud of her,
she did nice job in this really hot weather. I am so thanful to the
honourable specialist judges for the kind judgements and words about my
Barzoj princess!
Thank you very much for the organizers for this lovely weekend!
Thank you for the photos Dincifoto & Yulia Stepanova!
Agár Klub Clubshow on Saturday
Excellent 1, HPJ, Junior Clubwinner 2024, Best Junior, Best Opposite Sex, Best Female, Junior Best In Show III.
Breed judge: Mrs. Beatrix Maerki Casanova (Switzerland)
JBIS judge: Mr. Mark Wibier (The Netherlands)
Speciality CAC Show on Sunday
Excellent 1, CAC, Best Opposite Sex, Best Female
Breed judge: Mr. Mark Wibier (The Netherlands)

More photos at here...
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2024.08.03-04. - Mojmirovice (SK) Clubshow & Sighthound World Cup
After Triumphator Uraios Uriron - Lana’s lovely success in the last
year at Mojmirovice we went again in this year, now in junior class.
She got lovely words from
the two very kind specialist judges, Mrs. Lena Persson (SE) & Mr.
Arnaldo Cotugno (IT). In this year the Mojmirovice Sighthound Shows
also was successfully:
Sighthound World Cup Show:
Excellent 1st, CAJC, Best Junior and Sighthound World Cup Junior Winner 2024
Slovak Sighthound Clubshow:
Excellent 1st, CAJC, Best Junior, Slovakian Club Junior Winner 2024
…and she finished her 🏆Slovakian Junior Champion🏆
Congratulations for both winners!
Thank you very much for the honourable judges! Thank you for the photos
to Koppány Zsófia (Pet On Pictures), Makréta Sousediková & Milan Smirnowow Š!
Thank you for Our Slovakian Borzoj friends for the kind talking, I was happy to see you all! 💛

More photos at here...
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2024.07. 06-07. - Velka Ida (SK) Dogfestival CACIB Shows
Nearly one year later
of Our first shows (also in Lana’s life and in Slovakia), we travelled
again to Slovakian dogshows, but now two days at Velka Ida CACIBs 🇸🇰
The weather was very hot, but Triumphator Uraios Uriron "Lana"
did her job well, and got nice titles. I am very proud of her.
So the titles are: 2x CAJC, 2x J-CACIB, 2x BOB, Junior Best Of Group, Best Of Group 3rd and Junior Best In Show 3rd
Thank you for the honourable judges Dr. Tesics György & Dr. Balogh Zsuzsanna!
Thank you for this weekend to my dear friend, Kozák Zsolt, and congratulations for your amazing Theo’s success!
Thank you for the show photos Dogfestival, Olga Daskova & Trefán-Török Alexandra!

More photos at here...
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2024.06.15. - Agár Klub "Kincsem Memorial" Sighthound Speciality Show
On today first time
when two girls started on same show from our “U” Princesses and I am so
proud of them! The first who started in the ring from females was
Triumphator Uraios Uriron “Lana” who started in junior class and she got Excellent 1st and HPJ. After her class win the next female was her sister,
Triumphator Uzziel “Elza” as
intermediate who made super debut in adult class, she got Excellent 1,
CAC in Zoltán Ilyés proffesional hands! After the other
females’ judging both of my girls go to BOB competition, where Elza got Best Opposite (as Best Female) and Lana got Best Junior In Breed!
Congratulations to Nancy Op de Weerdt for BOB winning!
Thank you for the correct judgement Mr Brett Hamilton SWE/AUS!
I can't thank you enough to Zoltán Ilyés for his proffessional work with Elza!
Thanks to the organizers for this nice Sighthound Speciality! We enjoy this show!

More photos at here...
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2024.06.02. - MAFE Clubshow at Gödöllő
My cutie beauty, HPGW. HJCh. BBISS. PBIS. JBIS. BIS. CLJW’24. 🌸Triumphator Uraios Uriron “Lana” 🌸 started on this weekend on
Sisi Memorial Sighthound Clubshow, where she won Exc1. HPJ. and finally
🏆Junior Clubwinner 2024🏆 title. Thank you to the honourable
judge Mr. Michael Western (IRL) for his kind judgement! Thank you very
much gor the beautiful photos: Szalànczi Gàbor & Kòzel Gyula!

More photos at here...
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2024.05.11-12. - Grafenegg (AT) Double Sighthound CAC Show
On 11th of May, I
set off again with my little princess, Lana (HPGW. HJCh. Triumphator
Uraios Uriron). This time we headed towards Austria and arrived at a
of dreamlike beauty, the park of Grafenegg Castle. In the park, the
Österreichischer Klub für Windhunde, Zucht und Rennsport (short name:
ÖKWZR) organized its annual Double CAC Sighthound Shows, where the
judging ladies came from Ireland and Canada to judge the Barzojs this
My princess Lana did nice job in the very sunny and hot weather and she
got 2x Excellent 1st, 2x Jugendbester and 2x Best Junior. Thank you
very much for these lovely titles to the honourable judges: Mrs.
Felicity Thompson (IRL; Barnesmore Whippet kennel) & Mrs. Jocelyne
Gagne (CAN; Starkeeper Irish Wolfhound Kennel)! Thank you for the
beautiful photos to Pápai Gergő!

More photos at here...
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2024.04.25. - World Dog Show Zagreb, HR
Only one Triumphator started on this show, she is HPGW. HJCh.
Triumphator Uraios Uriron "Lana". Lana got Excellent in junior class.
Thank you for the judge: Mrs. Olga Sinko (SLO).

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2024.04.11. - Happy birthday "Z Angels"!
Two queens are live from Our very first litter and this two queen,
Zarina & Lujzi celebrate they 11th birthday on today! I hope we
will can celebrate they 12th also!
C.I.B. MultipleW. BIS. Triumphator Zarina Zelebsel "Zaza" & HJCh. JBISS. Triumphator Zahariel "Lujzi"
Happy birthday also to thes siblings, who celebrate they birthday in the sky as the most beautiful any shine stars!

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2024.04.6-7. - Békéscsaba CACIB
I entered my little
girl, HGPW. Triumphator Uraios Uriron 💕Lana💕 only two days (saturday
& sunday) to Békéscsaba CACIB dogshows. She did excellent job as
always, got 2x HPJ, 2x J-CACIB, 2x Best Junior, BOS, BOB, Best of Group
and 🏆Junior Best In Show🏆, she also was short listed on both days as
best Junior Sighthound. Lana finished her new champion title:
🏆Hungarian Junior Champion🏆.
Thank you very very much for the honourable judges: Mr. Kotlár Róbert (H) and Mr. Peter F. Berchtold (A).
Thank you very much for the photos to Szalai Àdàm BLUE WOLF
photography! Thank you very much for my friends: Kozák Zsolt, Veróczki
Dorottya and Szabó Lilla for these days!

more photos at here
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2024. March 30-31. - Szolnok all breed 2x CAC
I don’t know where can I start… I entered my little angel to dogshows in the spring and first time we was at Szolnok.
Lana surprised me on her very first steps in junior class. She did
great job in the ring, started in junior class on both days and she
got: 2x HPJ, 2x Best Junior in Breed, 2x Best Of Breed, 2x Best Of
Group and finally Best In Show (on saturday) and Junior Best In Show
(on sunday)!
I thank you so much for the honourable judges Mr. Kotlár Róbert & Mr. Erdős László!
Thank you very much for the super photos to Koppány Zsófia (POP - Pet on Pictures) and Szalai Ádám (Blue Wolf Photography)!

more photos at here
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2024.03.29. - Happy Easter
Happy Easter to everybody!

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2024. March 29. - Happy 3rd birthday to V puppies!
Our four beautiful V progenies' 3rd birthday has arrived; I wish Happy Birthday and
many more beautiful years with love and happiness!
Triumphator Vajovis Valnum "Kirov" (Baltavári Fanni)
HJCh. Triumphator Varcan Vatale "Boris" (Berényi Henriett)
HPGW. HJCh. Triumphator Vasaggo Stephan "Quamik" (Buzsáki Orsolya)
Triumphator Verchiel "Mashenka" (Dr. Bebesi Zsuzsanna)
Triumphator Vionairaba "Mimi" (Kálazi Kata)
Triumphator Vohu Manah "Yana" (Molnár Szilvia)
HCh. Triumphator Vrevoil "Ariel" (Kovács Family)
I have not words how thankful I am for these lovely babies' owners. for
thes love and care what they give to Triumphators! I thank you very
very much!!

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2024.03.23-24. Pécs/Szentlőrinc CACIB Shows
Triumphator Uzziel "Elza" started on only saturday and got lovely
titles from the honourable judge Mrs. Katalin Kiss. Elza got Excellent
1st, HPJ, Junior CACIB and finally Best Junior In Breed - she also
finished the Hungarian Junior Champion title. Thank you very much for
the honourable judge!
On Sunday Triumphator Vrevoil "Ariel" started on only sunday and she
got Excellent 1st, CAC and Reserve CACIB, she finished her Hungarian
Champion title! Huge congratulations and thank you very much for her
owners Kovács Family! Also thank you very much to the honourable judge!

more photos at here
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2024.03.16. Salgótarján CAC Show
We travelled to
this show only with Triumphator Uzziel "Elza" who made excellent
job in the rings, she got Excellent 1st, HPJ, Best Junior In Breed,
Best Of Breed and finally Best Of Group! Huge thank you for the
honourable judges: Mr. Orcsik István (SRB) and Dr. Balogh Zsuzsanna
(HU)! I am so proud of Our white-beige princess! Thank you for the
photos Szalai Ádám - Blue Wolf Photography!

more photos at here
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2024. March 01. - Happy 1st birthday to U Princesses!
Our four beautiful
princesses very first birthday has arrived; I wish Happy Birthday and
many more beautiful years with love and happiness!
Triumphator Umabel "Pannacotta"
HPGW. Triumphator Uraios Uriron "Lana"
Triumphator Uvael "Boris"
Triumphator Uzziel "Elza"

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2024. February 08-10. - FeHoVa Winter Dogshow CACIB
Triumphator Uzziel
"Elza" started her show life on this weekend. I think better if I don't write nothing about first day's judgement...
But on Saturday, Our breed has specialist judge, Mrs. Csilla Juhász (Glor Na Gael Irish Wolfhoun kennel; president of MAFE).
Elza made excellent
job in the rings and she got Excellent1st, HPJ, Junior CACIB, Best
Junior In Breed and finally Best Opposite as Best Female! Thank you
very much for the correct judging to Mrs. Juhász Csilla! Thank you for
the photos to Szalánczi Gábor, Koppány Zsófia & Szalai Ádám!

More photos at here.
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2024. January 23. New photo about Elza
Triumphator Uzziel
"Elza" began her studies in the show ring. Huge thank you to our dear
friend, Beatrix Fábián, for teaching us! Thank you for the photo to

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2023. December 20th. - Photo about 9 months old Pannacotta

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2023. December 16th. - First training of Elza
Thank you very much
for the first youth photos to Kozma János! Elza is a sister of Our
successful Lana; Elza's full name is Triumphator Uzziel.
more photos at here .
2023. December 7th. - First Snow in U ladies' life
more photos at here .
2023. November 5th. - Esztergom CAC
Triumphator Uraios
Uriron "Lana" started on that show where she got beautiful words from
the honourable judges: Mr. Czeglédi Attila and Dr. Balogh
Zsuzsanna - breed judges; won again two times Best Puppy In Breed; and
finally in the afternoon she won Res. Puppy BEST IN SHOW! - the
honourable udge was Mr. Gröschl Ferenc! Lana also finished Hungarian Puppy Grand Winner title.
Thank you very much for the honourable judges! And also thank you for
the photos to Szalai Ádám (Blue Wolf) and Koppány Zsófia (Pet On
more photos at here .
2023. October 25. - Tartuffe
Soon again will be Tartuffe on the stage!
Hamarosan újra Tartuffe a színpadon!
more photos at here .
2023. October 8. - Komárom all breed CACIB Show
HPGW. Triumphator Uraios Uriron 💕 Lana 🎀 as Best Puppy in Breed with one if not the most respected Borzoi specilalist judge,
Mrs Lisbeth Mach from Switzerland! I think this is my new favourite photo about my Lana’s show photos.
Thank you very very much Mrs. Lisbeth Mach!
Also thank you for the honourable puppy BIS judge Mrs Radvánczky Katalin, who give 4th place in Puppy Best In Show to Our puppy!
Thank you very much for the photos Szalánczi Gábor (Gabordogphoto) & Szalai Ádám (Blue Wolf)!

more photos at here .
2023. September 23-24. - Vasszécseny all breed 2xCAC Show
Triumphator Vrevoil "Ariel" (Kapriznij Kavalir
Wolkowo x Triumphator Yarashiel Yekahel) started in open class females,
where she got
Excellent 1st, CAC and Best Of Breed on both days! Thank you for the honourable judges dr. Miklós Levente and Mr. Stefan Sinko!
Thank you for the love and care for Kovács Family - Kovácsné Németh
Eszter, Allil Collie Kennel! Thank you for the photos Szalai Ádám (Blue

more photos at here .
2023. September 16. - Agár Klub Old Style Clubshow
Two Triumphators
started on this show, Triumphator Vrevoil "Ariel" (Kapriznij Kavalir
Wolkowo x Triumphator Yarashiel Yekahel) started in open class females,
where she got Excellent 3rd. Her cousin, Triumphator Uraios Uriron
"Lana" (Vasart Na Pole On Pobeditel x Triumphator Yekaterina
Sankovskaya) started in
puppy class and she won Very pronising 1st and Best Puppy In Breed (3
puppies was at this show). Thank you for the honourable specialist
Mrs. Wilfiede Scwerm-Hahne from Germany (She is a vice president
of the FCI Eurosighthound Board)!
Thank you for the lovely photos to
Yulia Stepanova & Szalánczi Gábor!!
more photos at here .
2023. September 09. - Jakabszállás (HU) All Breed CACIB Dogshow
Our little princess,
Triumphator Uraios Uriron "Lana" made amazing debut in puppy class at
her very very young age, only 6 months old. We entered
strict sighthound specialist judge Mr. Czeglédi Attila, HU. Lana doing
proffessional work in the rings as adult multiple winners dogs and
finally won
Best Puppy In Breed and finally she won Puppy BEST IN SHOW - the judge
was dr. Tesics György (specialist judge)! The cherry on the cake, we
travelled back to Sunday's show because the "Supreme final", where Lana
finished Res. Supreme Best In Show / judge was Mr. Louis Kruger (South
Thank you very much for these amazing results for the honourable
specialist judges! Thank you for the excellent photos to Szalánczi
more photos at here .
August 05-06. - Show news from Slovakia
On the first day
early morning we are started to Lana's first shows, but she did great
job and made my so proud in every moment on this weekend.
The first show was the biggest sighthound show in Europe, the
Eurosighthound Show, where the honourable judges was:
Breed - Mr. Martin Baskaran from Spain, he is the president of the
Sighthound Club of Spain
Minor Puppy BIS - Mr. Gerard Jipping from The Netherlands, he is a
president of the FCI Eurosighthound
Triumphator Uraios Uriron "Lana" got Very Promising 1st, Best Baby In
Breed and Res. BEST IN SHOW Minor

The second show was the Crystal Sighthound Clubshow, where the
honourable judges was:
Breed - Mr. Willem Buitenkamp from The Netherlands, he judged my Zozito
and Zarina at Amsterdam Winner Show in 2015 (where my Zozito got Best
Of Breed!)
Minor Puppy BIS - dr. Jakkel Tamás from Hungary, he is the president of
the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI)
Triumphator Uraios Uriron "Lana" won what a dog can in her age on a
dogshow. She got Very Promising 1st, Best Baby In Breed and finally
BEST IN SHOW Minor Puppy!

I am very thankful to all honourable specialist judges for they really
kind words about my baby lady, Lana!- and also for the beautiful titles
what she got from them! Thank You soooo much!
Thank you very much for the lovely photos to Szalánczi Gábor!
more photos at here .
July 22 - New photos
On today started my
holiday week so I think I take some photos about Our dirty baby ladies.

more photos at here
July 1 - New home
Triumphator Uvael
moved to her perfect new loving family. We are so happy that she find a
fantastical new family!

June 17 - New photos
On today Szalánczi
Gábor visited us with his camera to take some photos about Our Barzois.
Thank You Gábor for these fantastical photos!

more photos at here
June 11 - New photos
On today Gombos Erika
visited us with his camera to take some photos about Our Baby Barzois.
Thank You Erika for these fantastical photos!

more photos at here
May 27.- Jászberény CAC
Triumphator Yarkaya
has started on this show and she doing great job as well. She started
in Champion class and she won it and the breed titles also she was
placed in the lovely quality FCI Group X. Finally she got Excellent 1st,
Thank you very much for the honourable judges: dr. Balogh Zsuzsanna and
Mr László István! Thank you very much for the quality photos to Kózel

2023. May - Puppies
Our dear friend, László Balogh visited us with his camera and made some
photos about
Our baby ladies (two princesses are available to forever perfect loving
and oldies: Zozito & Zarina also!

March - Tartuffe in theater with Tiara
Our lovely
C.I.B. Triumphator Yarashiel Yekahel 'Tiara' will appear in the theater
on the last week of April.
Thank You L. Péterfi Csaba, that you thinking again of Triumphator

March 23. - Rest In Peace Nina
You can read Nina's history on her site, and soon we will
upload videos about her recovery after her accident.

Triumphator Zizuph "Nina"
March 1st - New Babies has arrived
Four beautiful princesses born on 1st of March. All baby ladies and
thes mom are doing well. They have beautiful colors, one grey- and
beige stained on white,
one beige-white with black mask, and two babies are sable stained on
February - New Babies
The proud parents are:
JWW.+JBOB'18. C.I.B. MultipleCh. Triumphator Yekaterina Sankovskaya
"Babus" & C.I.B. Multiple.Ch. Vasart Na Pole On Pobeditel "Polik"
Thank You Henrietta Pálocska, Olga Daskova and Enrico Stefanizzi!
January - New Babies
We are happy to report that our trip in December was a
success, and we are expecting the birth of our next litter by the first
week of March!
Soon we wil make publish the proud parents, the daddy is a russian
imported male and the mommy,who is a most successful female in Our
November - New Grand Champion of Hungary
Our lovely princess, Triumphator Yarkaya's diplom
has arrived! It's offical from now, that she is a new HUNGARIAN GRAND
- Coursing
at Siófok (H)
HJCh. Triumphator Vasaggo Stephan
“Quamik” started his coursing
licence; and made his first step for races, got the solo licence! Well
done!! I am very proud
of you! Quamik owned by Buzsáki
Orsolya; Photos by Koppány Zsófia (Pet On Pictures)

October 22 - Komárom CACIB & MAFE Clubshow
On 22th of October we travelled to Komárom with my
red sparrow, HJCh. HCh. HSCh. Triumphator Yarkaya - she started in
champion class on CACIB
and MAFE Clubshow also. She won her class on both shows and now (4
years after a terrible breaking her leg) finished her
🏆 Hungarian Grand Champion 🏆 title! Thank you for the honourable
judges Mr. Dusan Paunovic (SRB) & Mr. Petru Muntean (RO)!
Huge thank you for the amazing photos to Kózel Gyula!
September 30. - Zozito's genetics test results arrived
I was curious, so I sent our love, MultipleBIS. MultipleW. C.I.B.
Triumphator Zophiel “Zozito”s blood
to Laboklin laboratory for a few of they “recommended for Barzojs” and
a few plus genetics tests and we got his perfect results:
Dilated Cardiomyelopathy DCM2 - N/N
Dilated Cardiomyelopathy DCM1 - N/N
Hyperuricosuria SLC - N/N
Chondrodysplasia CDPA - N/N
Chondrodystrophy CDDY & IVDD risk - N/N
He also made at his young age genetics test for:
Degenerativ Myelopathy DM - N/N result.
September 29. - Master breeder certificate
On today I've got the Master Breeder Certificate! I am so happy for it!
September 10-11. - Agár Klub - Speciál CAC & Klubkiállítás
ShowCh. Triumphator Yarkaya was entered just for fun on saturday's
clubshow,but HJCh. Triumphator Vasaggo Stephan "Quamik"
won the Junior class and got HPJ and Best Junior In Breed on Speciality
Show (Sunday) from the honourable sighthound specialist
judge Mrs. Iveta Vojtekova, Slovakia - from the world famous
Gandamak Afghan Hound- & Whippet kennel! Thank you very much!
Special thanks to Quamik perfect loving mommy: Buzsáki Orsolya
and her family!
Thank you for the photos to Zsófia Koppány, Pet On Pictures!
June 04. - Herend CACIB Dogshow
I entered Our sweet Yarkaya to Herend CACIB dogshows’ 1st day;
Sadly I can’t seen the judgement on today, because my broken finger...
But my mom showed Our own bred princess. HJCh. HCh. HSCh. Triumphator
Yarkaya at Herend CACIB Shows 1st day (entered only this day)
got Excellent 1, CAC ,CACIB, BOB titles. It was Yarkaya's third
show in this year, her third time started in champion class and also
third time won
the Best Of Breed title! And her nephew, Triumphator Varcan Vatale
"Boris" was entered on two days and he got Excellent on both shows!
Thank you to Henriett Berényi (Boris's owner) for her love and care
what she give to Boris! ❤ Thank you to my mom for Yarkaya's
presentation! ❤
Thank You for the judges: Mr. László István (H) and Refet Hadžić (BIH)!
Thank You for the photos to Horváth Balázs,!
May 14. - Miskolc CAC Dogshow
Two Triumphators started on this show at Miskolc. The first one is the
young male Triumphator Vasaggo Stephan "Quamik"
(owned by Buzsáki Orsolya) won his junior class and got Excellent 1st
with HPJ title, also he won the Best Junior in Breed title!
The other one own-bred who came with us is Ch. Triumphator Yarkaya, our
smallest and sweetest princess, who flying in the ring. She
second time started in champion class, and she won Excellent 1st, CAC,
Best Of Breed, Best Of Group and finally Best In Show 3rd place!
I am a really proud breeder!
Thank you very much to Orsolya for her love and care what give to our
young prince, Quamik and also huge congratulations
for nice results with her boys; Quamik's daddy's (Kapriznij
Kavalir Wolkowo "Umka") Excellent 1, CAC, and BOS (as best male) titles!
Thank You very much for the photos to Kózel Gyula, Buzsáki Istvánné
& Kozma János!
April 30. - Pécs CACIB Dogshow
The 13 months old boy, Triumphator Varcan Vatale "Boris" was at here
with his perfect loving owner,
Berényi Henriett and they made great job! Boris got Excellent1, HPJ,
Best Junior In Breed and Best Opposite Sex (Best Male!)
Huge congratulations and thanks a lot to Heni for her love and care
what she give to this young boy!
Also thank you to the judge, Vija Klučniece (LV); and for the photot to
Horváth Balázs,!
April 11. - Happy 9th Birthday to "Z Angels" litter
Happy birthday to Our beloved “babies”!
Our very first Barzoi litter, The “Z Angels puppies” are 9 years old on
Triumphator Zagzagel “Koda” - Miriam Dickenmann, CH
Triumphator Zotiel Zeki - Jette Godskesen, DK
Triumphator Zuphlas “Zufi” - Gondy Krisztina, H
Triumphator Zarenerbe “Ladianov” - Eduard Hess, CH
️ Triumphator Zizuph “Nina” - Triumphator kennel
️ Triumphator Zarina Zelebsel - Triumphator kennel
Triumphator Zophiel “Zozito” - Triumphator kennel
Triumphator Zavael “Mitsuko” - dr. Bebesi Zsuzsanna, H
Triumphator Zahariel “Lujzi” - Kecskès Viktória, H
Parents are Ladianov aus dem Zarenreich & Cárok Öröksége Aphrodite

April 09. - Kaposvár Hunter Dog CAC Show
Our beloved veteran lady, C.I.B. Triumphator Zarina Zelebsel
(Ladianov aus dem Zarenreich x Càrok Öröksége Aphrodite “Samantha”)
started on this show with
her daughter, ShowCh. Triumphator Yarkaya (Razumov aus dem Zarenreich x
Triumphator Zarina Zelebsel), who started first time in champion class
after more
than 2 years of omission of shows. We are go to because we have lovely
memories from this place when Zarina won her Best In Show title at here
in 2014’s October... She got this super titles from the honourable
specialist judge dr. Balogh Zsuzsanna, who was the judge for Barzojs in
2022. In this year Zarina again
got nice titles as the Best Veteran and
Veteran CAC, she finished her new and also last Champion title, the
Hungarian Veteran Champion! Zarina’s daughter,
Yarkaya surprised us, she started her champion show career with style:
won Champion class and later she won the Best Of Breed also! Sadly, we
can’t wait the
Best In Show. Thank you for the honourable specialist judge dr. Balogh
Zsuzsanna! Thank you our friend, Kriszti for your help! Thank you for
the photos for
Szalánczi Gábor! Congratulatios for other entered Barzojs’ owners!
February 19. - FeHoVa Winter Dogshow
We entered only for today because my work and programs. I thank you so
much to my super great friends for they help and work with
Triumphators! I can’t say
huge thank you enugh! Honourable specialist judge: Mr. Róbert Kotlár.
Three Triumphators are entered to the show and both of them was in the
Best Of Breed competition! The results are Triumphator Varcan Vatale
“Boris” - Junior class male - Excellent 1, HPJ / Junior winner;
MultipleCh. MultipleW. JWW+JBOB.
Triumphator Yekaterina Sankovskaya "Babus" - Champion class female -
Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB, Best Of Group IV., new Champion
Internationale de
Beauté and MultipleW. BIS. C.I.B. Triumphator Zarina Zelebsel
"Zaza" - Veteran class female - Excellent 1, CAC, Best Veteran In
Huge thank you to Our friends: Kalazi
Kata - Zelakozia Afghan Hound Kennel for the amazing grooming; Ilyés Zoltán for his proffessional
Berényi Henriett (Boris’s
owner) for her work and care with Boris; Gondy Krisztina, Veróczki Dóri for they help and
hospitality; Szalánczi Gábor
- for the photos!
Thank You very much!

© Triumphator
FCI Barzoi Kennel