Triumphator Zizuph *Nina*
Date of Birth: 11th, April 2013.
Date of Death: 23th March 2023.
Father: DWZRV-JCh.
Mother: C.I.B., HVCh, HGCh, HSCh, HCh, HJCh.
Champions: Hungarian Show Champion
Hungarian Champion
Hungarian Junior Champion
Major wins:
Junior Best In Show III.
Speciality Winner 2015
Breed titles: 3x BOB, 2x BOS, J-BOB
Health tests: Degenerative Myelopathy DM - N/N
Cardio free
General thyroid health checks - OK
Correct- &
Complete Toothing
Zizuph: Angel of the secret.
Life of a sighthound in a few
Many months before our first litter was born a very
excited applicant was calling us weekly and was waiting for the new
arrivals. As the puppies arrived he was calling us almost every
day, to get information about the puppies, and as soon as it was
he was coming to visit the litter as well. It seemed that he
really wanted one of our princess. 
Everything was running as it should. He chose his puppy, and
gave a name for her "Szellő".
on the day when he had to come to pick up his puppy, we got a text
message with a few words that he changed his mind and does not want the
puppy. We accepted this, and the puppy was looking again for her
forever home.
A Few months later we got a call from a man, that he is looking for a
puppy for his friend as a birthday present. We informed him that is
impossible in this way, and we can only give the puppy if we can meet
and talk with the future owner. We didn't want to destroy the surprise
with him so we arrived directly to the birthday party with the puppy.
The man who had birthday was crying when he noticed the puppy. He
informed us that he had borzoi in the past. He gave the name Nina to
her and they were living happily together for many years.
When Nina was 5 years old during the night we got a call that she had
an accident. We immediately drove there. Nina was laying next to the
fence and her back legs were not moving. We put her in the car and
drove to the Juhász Clinic where she got perfect care during the middle
of the night. We took her home from the hospital for recovery.
Unfortunately we didn't see any improvement so we took her for an MRI
to the PrimaVet. Based on the MRI scanning the problem was serious and
inoperable. The spine was damaged but the vertebrates moved back to the
normal position. They gave us 3 month for rehabilitation. We didn't
gave up. From day to day we noticed really minor improvements like
small finger moving. After 3 month we started her physiotherapy a with
lot of hope. Thank you so much for the effort to Viktoria Galántai,
Szandra Tréfás, Dr. Éva Mihályfi!
Ninas movement never became perfect but she was able to live a normal
and healthy life. When she was able to move normally again, she moved
back to her owners.
When the family went for a holiday she came back to us. Unfortunately
during her stay she got an ulcer torsion, so we went with her again to
the Juhász Clinic, where dr Zoltán András made a lifesaving operation
on her. She was recovering smoothly. But her owner made a decision that
he doesn't want to get back her. As she stayed with us she became a dog
of my Mum. My Mum was the person who spent with her the most of time in
her entire life. They were walking 3 times every day, sometimes in the
forest as well.
Unfortunately 3 weeks before her 10th birthday her condition
dramatically collapsed. She didn't eat, didn't drink at all, had a
fever, and her back legs paralyzed.
After the clinical examination the only way was to let her go.... Ninus
left this life on 23.03.2023 at 1:30am
© 2023 Triumphator
FCI Barzoi Kennel